5052 Marine Aluminum Checker Plate is a high strength, non-heat treatable metal material that contains magnesium as its added characteristic element. Aluminum-magnesium alloy also contains a small amount of manganese, chromium, beryllium, titanium and so on. Manganese in the alloy, except for a small amount of solid solution, most of the formation of MnAl6. chromium in 5052 aluminum plate similar to the role of manganese, improve the resistance to stress corrosion cracking, improve the base metal and weld strength, reduce the tendency to weld cracking, but its content generally does not exceed 0.35%.
Performance advantages:
Has good corrosion resistance, hardness, rust resistance.
For example, ships, carriage lights. This kind of aluminum plate has high hardness and certain weight-bearing capacity.
Chemical properties: 1060 is pure aluminum plate, 5052 is alloy aluminum plate, in special environments 5052 corrosion resistance is a little better.